Christopher Wool

Christopher Wool (born 1955) is an American artist. Since the 1980s, Wool's art has incorporated issues surrounding post-conceptual ideas. He lives and works in New York City and Marfa, Texas.

Christopher Wool (born 1955) is an American artist. Since the 1980s, Wool's art has incorporated issues surrounding post-conceptual ideas. He lives and works in New York City and Marfa, Texas. mehr erfahren »
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Christopher Wool

Christopher Wool (born 1955) is an American artist. Since the 1980s, Wool's art has incorporated issues surrounding post-conceptual ideas. He lives and works in New York City and Marfa, Texas.

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Christopher Wool. Ausstellungsplakat Galerie Max Hetzler, 2017 Christopher Wool. Ausstellungsplakat Galerie...
Exhibition Poster Created by the Artist Christopher Wool Bleibtreustraße 45, Berlin 9 June – 22 July 2017 Dimensions: 86,5 x 67 cm
45,00 € *
Christopher Wool. Untitled (West Texas), 2009 Christopher Wool. Untitled (West Texas), 2009
C-print 21.7 x 28 cm (8.54 x 11.02 in) Edition of 50 10 AP Signed on verso Für Texte zur Kunst hat Christopher Wool eine Farbfotografie mit dem Titel „Untitled (West Texas)“, 2009, produziert. Die Edition hat die Maße 21,7 × 28 cm (bei...
799,00 € **
Christopher Wool. DIE WELT vom 14. Dezember 2018, eingeschweißt Christopher Wool. DIE WELT vom 14. Dezember...
Zeitung DIE WELT (14.12.2018) gestaltet von Christopher Wool Auflage ca 251.500 gefaltet, ungelesen, vollständig und druckfrisch (Zustand sehr gut) Die Zeitung ist luftdicht in durchsichtiger Folie eingeschweißt. Dadurch wird das...
63,03 € **
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